Friday, June 1, 2007

End of the Year Awards

Maddie and a friend both have to do bunny ears
Maddie and some of her classmates!

State reading award! She read 25 books this year! We read 30 books in one month!! Awesome!!

Outstanding Reading improvement! Maddie had a rough year but she worked sooooo hard!!

She reads it very seriously!!

Maddie getting an encouragement award

Maddie and her friend Trey

Drew and his class singing "Kindergarten here we come! HERE WE COME!

Please look at my camera not your friends!! one picture please!!!

Andrew getting the Respect award and if you know Andrew you know why I got the giggles when they called his name! I thought he would surely get the perseverance award!!!

Well summer has begun and I have been given the chance to brag on my children a little. Madison will be starting the second grade in the fall and Drew will begin kindergarten. Whew! I know I will blink and they will be in high school!! Right now though I will cherish all the little awards they get in their classes! I am not the best photographer but I try!! I think my kids are beautiful!! haha!

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